Snow Brook elevation/vegetation change
These datasets assess the before-and-after condtion of biomass and forest cover and elevatio for the years 2021 and 2022, within the context of a fish passage restoration... -
Upper-Town Dam Final Design Plans
Final dam removal design plans for the Upper-Town Dam in Lisbon, Maine. This project removed a derelict mill dam that impounded 6 feet at water when the spillway was intact.... -
Dune Elevation Transects (Pre-project)
This is data for elevation transects through dune restoration sites on the north coast of Puerto Rico. The transects begin in the shoreline and end where land vegetation begins.... -
John Heinz NWR Bathymetric and Topography Data
Topography and bathymetric data set collected via RTK units by Ducks Unlimited and US Fish and Wildlife Service surveyors both inside and outside the NWR impoundment. Data were...