Coastal Geomorpholgy Changes at Pierce's Point: 2017 to 2022

Raw and comparative topographic datasets collected at Pierce's Point (Middle Township, NJ 08210) between the spring of 2017 and spring 2022. Datasets are broken down into two categories: 1) the collected survey data which includes field data forms, survey photos, .job, .csv, and .shp files. 2) annual comparisons between spring surveys, ie: spring 2017 to spring 2018 etc. The comparative datasets include survey DEMs, difference DEMs, pivot tables, dune and shoreline positions, dune and shoreline change vectors generated through Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS), and additional map items used in the creation of the finished products.

Standard Operating Procedures used: Psuty, N. P., M. Duffy, D. E. Skidds, T. M. Silveira, A. Habeck, K. Ames, and G. Liu. 2022. Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network geomorphological monitoring protocol: Part I—ocean shoreline position, version 2. Natural Resource Report NPS/NCBN/NRR—2022/2415. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado. Psuty, N. P., W. J. Schmelz, and A. Habeck. 2018. Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network geomorphological monitoring protocol: Part III – coastal landform elevation models. Natural Resource Report NPS/NCBN/NRR—2018/1712. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Equipment used: Trimble R10 and Leica Viva GS12 Coordinate System: NAD83(2011) UTM 18N, NAVD88, meters

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Field Value
Last Updated February 3, 2023, 20:05 (UTC)
Created February 2, 2023, 20:25 (UTC)
Data Maintainer Andrea Habeck
Email Address
Metric Category Ecological
Metric Class Dune Geomorphology, Shoreline, Elevation, Beach Geomorphology, Vegetation
Reporting Years 2021, 2018, 2022, 2020, 2019, 2017
States and Territories NJ
Measurement Stage Monitoring