This dataset contains measured current velocity during March 1 to May 2, 2019, at eleven locations along the Chincoteague Living Shoreline, Virginia. Current velocities were measured using tilt current meters (TCM, Lowell Instruments LLC). Five long-TCM, range of 0-80 cm/s, and six short-TCMs, range of 0-75 cm/s, consisting of a tilt-corrected compass in a buoyant casing and attached to a concrete tile at the sediment surface, were deployed across the Chincoteague Living Shoreline, Virginia during March 1 and May 2, 2019. One Acoustic Doppler Current Meter (SonTek, Argonaut-ADV) was deployed behind the oyster castles to capture the circulation pattern change. These TCMs and the ADV were sampled at 16 Hz in bursts of 20 seconds. The raw current data (interval=20 minutes) were processed by 1) time-averaging over 30 minutes and 2) capping the time-averaged current speed with 80 and 60 cm/s for the long TCMs and short TCMs. Velocity is provided in north and east components. Negative values represent current to the south and west, respectively