Field observation of current velocities (2018) in Gandy’s Beach, New Jersey with living shoreline structures

This dataset contains measured (interval=20 minutes) current velocity during February 1 to April 4, 2018 at seven locations along the Gandy's Beach, New Jersey in upper Delaware Bay. These data were used for the analysis of current pattern dynamics along the coast in upper Delaware Bay with oyster-reef based living shoreline structure for shoreline protection.

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Field Value
Last Updated April 30, 2021, 13:16 (UTC)
Created April 30, 2021, 13:10 (UTC)
Data Maintainer Hongqnig Wang
Email Address
Metric Category Ecological
Metric Class Hydrology, Marsh Geomorphology, Shoreline
Reporting Years 2018
States and Territories NJ
Measurement Stage Monitoring